
CRE见解 & 三位新兴领导人的建议

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 新兴领袖网络 提供职业发展, education and networking opportunities for 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Building and Affiliate members with a recommended seven years or less of experience in the commercial real estate industry.

We asked three emerging leaders to describe their professional backgrounds and to give us their insights on CRE. 请阅读以下Angela Oh的回复, JLL; RJ Parrilli, 中途大厦服务, 还有乌木·安德烈, 英镑湾.

作为新兴的商业地产领导者, what are some of the top industry issues you believe your peers should be aware of/focus on?

安吉拉哦: 由于灵活的工作环境,对固定办公空间的需求正在减少. 现代劳动力正在进行场外业务, 工作地点偏远,工作时间也不是朝九晚五.

RJ Parrilli: We have an aging work force in the field and there could potentially be a labor shortage with the amount of people in our generation entering into the trades. 从目前的人口统计数据来看,熟练技工可能会短缺.

乌木安德利: Tenants are now using space differently and looking for more amenities and common space in buildings. 我们应该意识到这些日益增长的需求, 在某些情况下,对租户休息室等东西的要求, 健身中心, 创意空间和自行车房.

您对商业地产的未来有何展望? 你认为在5/10/20年内这个行业会发生怎样的变化?

安吉拉哦: The CRE industry will likely evolve to cater to the demographics of the younger workforce.  Many of the traditional offices and spaces will be redesigned for more collaborative settings.

RJ Parrilli: 随着婴儿潮一代退出商业房地产行业, x世代可能会有一个关键的变化,y, 千禧一代引领着不断变化的行业. 更注重工作与生活的平衡, it could change the landscape of the suburbs to become more of an urban center focused on a better quality lifestyle.

乌木安德利:  技术进步将改善我们做生意的方式,提高我们的效率. 我设想的方案可以融合业主的各种需求, 租赁代理和物业经理, 从而提高整体沟通和生产力.


安吉拉哦: 因为现在大量的劳动力都是千禧一代, the younger CRE professionals can relate and contribute to what the tenants needs will be. Having a collaborative and relaxed tenant spaces/lounges equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity will become a necessity and we will need to build out spaces that cater to younger generation (ex. 休憩用地vs. 办公室).

RJ Parrilli: We can provide what the younger generation looks for when occupying and using CRE space.  Younger professionals are replacing the baby boomers and will be one of the largest consumers in history. 例如,今天的企业认为位置甚至比薪酬更重要. 婴儿潮一代想要为工作而活, Gen X wants to work to live and the millennials are looking for a work to play lifestyle.

乌木安德利: 年轻的专业人士为行业带来了独特的视角, including more efficient ways of accomplishing objectives with the use of technology and innovative ideas regarding tenant amenities.

到目前为止,你认为你最大的职业成就是什么? 你未来的目标是什么?

安吉拉哦: 我最大的成就是赢得了2014年 雷金纳德L. 奥利包容与拓展奖学金 然后在2016年获得RPA认证. 通过这项奖学金, I was able to complete my requirements in two years and studied all aspects of property management.  I also had the opportunity to network and expand relationships with my fellow industry professionals.

RJ Parrilli: My biggest career accomplishment is heading up the start of Midway 工作人员ing and expanding Midway into the market of temporary labor services. My goal is to continue the success with this expansion and new ways to add revenue and solutions to the real estate community.

乌木安德利: 2016年4月,我是 授予雷金纳德·L. 奥利包容与拓展奖学金 这是我迄今为止最大的成就. 我的目标包括完成我的RPA, 成为500强企业的总经理,000多平方英尺的建筑, earning LEED certification and becoming  a great resource and mentor for other professionals in the industry.


安吉拉哦: Working as a CRE professional involves a variety of skills and almost forces you to be well-rounded and a good multitasker.  I enjoy the spontaneous events that arise and the impromptu actions you have to take in order for your building to run smoothly.  在这个行业工作的不可预测的一面有时可能会让人害怕, 但我欢迎这些挑战,并希望通过这些活动提高我的技能.

RJ Parrilli: 当我发现自己在保险领域工作时, I was presented an opportunity to help Midway expand their vertical market by putting a focus on multi-tiered relationships. 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, City of Hope and many other organizations greatly helped me develop relationships which have turned into clients and personal friends which will last a lifetime.

乌木安德利: What first attracted me to the CRE industry was the great variety in tasks that each day brings. 物业管理一点也不平凡. Tasks vary from working on tenant space improvements and building capital projects to creating budgets and conducting fire drills.

你有导师吗(公司内外)? 他/她是如何帮助指导你的?

安吉拉哦:  我在南瓦克71号的总经理, 大卫·霍普伍德, 是我职业生涯中不可或缺的一部分吗.  He has supported me throughout all my endeavors and enriched my knowledge how to make my building the best of the best.  第二个, 作为获得奥利奖学金的一部分, 我选择了丽贝卡·迈尔斯, 皮埃蒙特办公室房地产信托, 作为我的导师. Becky has been an amazing partner; she made herself available to discuss my progress, assisted me in decision making and provided a different perspective on managing commercial real estate.

RJ Parrilli: Joe Sergi with Clear Height(前身为REX Electric). 当我第一次考虑加入中途岛的时候, I sat with Joe multiple times and he discussed all the pros and cons of this industry and the potential opportunities of what can lie ahead. He has assisted me in developing my customer base and guiding me in to the right organizations.

乌木安德利: 我的总经理邦妮·博登是一位出色的向导和顾问. 她激励我去获得经纪人执照和RPA. 她激励我树立远大的目标并实现它们. My second mentor, Max Andrews, Matting by Design, is one I gained as part of the Ollie Scholarship. Max has encouraged me to be a resource to others around me and to have courage to ask for help when I need it.

What would be the one piece of advice/guidance you’d pass along to someone considering a career in the CRE industry?

安吉拉哦: 是开放的!  CRE不仅仅是管理建筑. It incorporates so many aspects of business practices and you are sure to find an area of passion. The network of professionals in Chicago’s CRE market is extensive and a beneficial resource. 也, 成为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台这样伟大组织的一员, 你有能力建立良好的人际关系来帮助你把工作做好.

RJ Parrilli: 年轻的专业人士倾向于寻求快速的晋升. 商业地产有很多成功的机会,但这需要时间和耐心. It is rewarding to see people who you started with working up the corporate ladder and capitalizing on their own opportunities.

乌木安德利: The CRE industry is both challenging and compelling and the people in it are like a small community, 善良,乐于助人. 一旦有人决定加入这个行业, 我会进一步建议他们参与进来, increase their knowledge and find someone who will be a helpful and enthusiastic mentor.

For additional information about 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 新兴领袖 or to be added to the 新兴领袖 email list, 联系贝丝·哈拉特, 会员服务总监 bhalat@vacuumbeltsdirect.com.